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Dharampalji Centenary Year celebrations (Feb 2021 - Feb 2022)

During the Centenary Year, we plan to initiate and carry forward programs to make the life and work of Dharampalji more widely known to the scholars and the public in various ways.  


     Some specific activities identified during the centenary celebrations:


1.    Carrying out  public events at regular intervals (at least once a month) on a set of  topics to be identified which will also include presentations on some of Dharampalji's books and their relevance for today. While these events will be online for now, it is hoped that we would be able to have physical meetings as soon as the Corona pandemic retreats.

Reports and Videos of these events will be made available on our site. Click here


2.     All the PPST Bulletins as well as the proceedings of the three Congresses on Traditional S&T of India will be put on the website.  In addition, other contributions made by the PPST group members to the debates on these topics would also be made available on our site.  Click here


3.    A consolidated list of the works of Dharampalji that have been translated into Indian languages would be put on the website, along with the translated materials themselves where permissions for the same can be obtained. Efforts would also be made to get more of his works translated into all Indian languages. Click here


4.    All available pictures and videos of Dharampalji would be gathered and made available on our site.Efforts would also be made to see if a short documentary film could be made on the life and work of Dharampalji. Click here


5.     The existing Wikipedia page on Dharampalji would be reviewed and made more complete and accurate. Click here


6.    We will bring to light similar initiatives being taken by our members through other fora , such as the release of five reprints of Dharampal's books by CPS (J K Bajaj and M D Srinivas) in Bangalore on the 19th Feb 2021 (click here and here) ,  translation and publication of eleven works of Dharampalji in Kannada being carried out by the Karnataka Government (click here) in which  GSR Krishnan and J K Suresh are involved, events organised by Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon (Gita Dharampal ) Click here.


7.    Initiate, support and encourage historical research into the pre-British Indian society, especially its Sciences and Technologies, along the directions provided by Dharampalji. Click here and here.


Copyright @ The PPST Group 2021.

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